In the Name of the Father, and of the +
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Why put in the effort tonight? Why all the ceremonies, long
readings, and prayers? It is because tonight we celebrate the heart of our
faith. Each prayer is an earnest plea to God for rescue from temptation, sin,
and death. Each ceremony is a physical manifestation of that faith, handed down
from our forefathers to teach our bodies what it means to confess Jesus Christ
as Savior. Each reading focuses our hearts and minds on the singular focus of
all Scripture – the salvation of man found in the life, death, and resurrection
of Jesus Christ.
There is no room this night for nostalgia, theatrics, or
performance. On this most Holy Night, we celebrate the victory of our King. We
celebrate His bursting from the bonds of death. We celebrate His victory
because it is our victory. It is our victory over temptation, sin, and death.
It is too easy to let phrases like “He is risen!” or “Christ
is King” become statements of historic fact or expressions of joyous sentiment
unconnected to the Person of Jesus Christ and without impact on your person. The
proclamation that Christ is risen means that He was dead. It means that He died
for the sins of the world but more importantly, for your sins. Yes, He died for
original sin but He also died for the sins you committed this morning, this
afternoon, even those you’ve committed since the beginning of this service.
It is a historic fact that Jesus rose from the grave 2000
years ago, but it is far more important that this resurrection brought life to
you. He is risen and that means that your sins, which He carried into the
grave, remain buried in the tomb. It means that your sins are buried in the
earth, never to rise. He is risen and that means that you, too, will rise with
Him. You have already risen with Him in the waters of Holy Baptism. You have
arisen a new Creation, a new creature, born from above and made in the image of
Christ’s righteousness.
It is also a fact that Jesus Christ is King. St. John’s
Gospel, especially the Passion as read yesterday in the Chief Service,
emphasizes this fact. Again and again, Pilate questions Jesus’ regarding His
kingship and never once does Jesus deny being King. But as a historic fact,
this is little more important than the fact that Caesar crossed the Rubicon, Charlemagne
was crowned Holy Roman Emperor, or Washington crossed the Delaware. These
events matter in the course of the world but mean nothing in heaven. When the
world is destroyed on the last day, these events will lose all meaning.
It is an entirely different statement to say that Christ is your king. A king is not elected or chosen by his subjects. A king is not under constant threat of deposition by the will of the people. A King is sovereign. A King governs by His will and by His right. Christ is King because He holds all creation in His hands. He is King because He is the very Word by which Creation came to be. And He is your King.
He is your King because He is on your side. He is your King
because He has chosen you to be His subject. He is not a King who leads from
the rear. He is a King who commands His people to stand in safety while He
faces our foes. He is like David, who marches by himself to fight Goliath, the
terror of the Israelites and soldier of Satan. Unlike David, your King must
lose His life to win the war. Unlike David, your King faced not just the
soldiers and power of Satan, but the Adversary himself. And your King won.
The implication for you is that Satan has no power over you.
You belong to the King of kings, not to the Ancient Dragon. Temptation, sin,
and death constantly seek your life, but your King has ensured victory over
them. Should you fall for their lies, you have a King who is strong to save,
who has already, before you could fall to sin, devoured your sin in the grave.
You are His and He will never leave you, nor forsake you. You are His and His
is the victory.
Alleluia, Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed.
In + Jesus’
name. Amen.
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